
Chris Matthews spanked by KABC radio’s Larry Elder

Jeff Poor Media Reporter
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On his Thursday radio show — at Chris Matthews’ request — KABC radio host Larry Elder took on the MSNBC “Hardball” host about his politics and his new book, “Jack Kennedy: Elusive Hero.” Elder seemed unimpressed with both.

ELDER: Chris, first do you still feel as a journalist, it is your job to help Obama succeed?

MATTHEWS: Well, I certainly feel it is my job to help any new president succeed and I said that. And I think it was true when I wrote it for Bush in 2000 with hopes that he would do well until he made some decisions I couldn’t live with and when that comes with Obama, I will break with him. So far he has done what I think he should, but he hasn’t been the leader I think he should be but he’s made the decisions I think I would make.

ELDER: Do you consider yourself a journalist?

MATTHEWS: Yeah, I’m a journalist. I’m a columnist. I’m a commentator

ELDER: No, no a journalist – you think you’re an objective down-the-middle journalist?

MATTHEWS: No, I’m not down the middle. I’m slightly to the left.

ELDER: Slightly to the left?

MATTHEWS: I’d say 40-yard-line.

In response, Elder played a clip of Matthews’ show from October in which he attacked the GOP, suggesting Republicans wanted to cause people pain. The interview went downhill from there.


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At one point, Matthews asked Elder “What is the purpose of this conversation?” — later adding, “I’m trying to be polite, and I come on your show because you invited me.”

“No, no, no, no,” Elder replied. “You called us and you asked to come on. I didn’t invite you.”

Matthews went on to blame Elder’s disposition for the turmoil in America’s political culture:

MATTHEWS: This is an embarrassment. This is why this country is being torn apart, with this kind of hatred.

ELDER: It’s called a disagreement. You perceive it as hatred, just like you perceive that the Republicans want people to die on gurneys, and they don’t care about illegal aliens, and all the other silly things that you’ve said. That’s hatred. That’s hatred, Chris.

(h/t The Hollywood Reporter)

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