Update: The call happened Friday night. The best line came from Newt surrogate Linda Upmeyer, who said, “We understand a load of crap when we see it.”
Iowa campaign supporters of former Speaker Newt Gingrich plan to hold a conference call later today to urge Mitt Romney to cease his negative ads.
A group backing Romney (which is being run by former Romney advisers) is reportedly spending $3.1 million in Iowa to attack Gingrich between now and the caucuses.
I’m told by one source they will “call for a halt to the millions of dollars in negative ads” being spent in the state — and say that, “Iowa deserves better.”
They will also “ask Romney to focus on issues and solutions — not just attacks.”
Former Congressman Greg Ganske and State Rep. Linda Upmeyer (both Gingrich boosters) are expected to be among those leading the call, which is set for 5 pm in Iowa.