DC Trawler

The advantage of taking a bus instead of a plane: a much shorter delay when they eject Alec Baldwin

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First he threw a tantrum on a plane and got kicked off. Then he tweeted a bunch of stupid stuff about it and deleted his whole account in a fit of pique. Then he posted an “apology” in which he continued to berate the flight attendant who dared to do her job in his presence, saying people like her have made flying “a Greyhound bus experience.”

Guess who didn’t like that?


In an open letter to the actor issued Thursday, Greyhound President and CEO Dave Leach said he was disheartened to hear about the comments Baldwin made about the company.

“I’m the first to admit that Greyhound has had some challenges in the past, so I understand that you probably were basing your comments on that alone. But we’ve made so many changes in recent years to significantly improve the travel experience,” Leach writes.

“My guess is you’ve never traveled with us, but I ask you to give us a try for a number of reasons and see for yourself that we’re really a great way to travel.”

Leach then touts the hundreds of new buses the company has added to its fleet as well as the extra legroom, leather seats, power outlets and free Wi-Fi.

“I think you especially would find the latter two amenities exciting, because we don’t require our customers to turn off their electronic devices … ever. You could therefore play ‘Words With Friends’ during your entire trip and nobody would give you any grief over it,” Leach tells Baldwin in the letter.

He then invited Baldwin to accompany him on a Greyhound ride from New York to Boston. It’s one thing for the CEO of a company to spout a lot of blather about how great their services are. But you have to admire the dedication it takes to be willing to put yourself in an enclosed space with Alec Baldwin for 4 hours.

Or Baldwin could just go back to his old mode of transportation: