On his Monday radio show, conservative talker Rush Limbaugh had a back-handed compliment for liberal Washington Post blogger and self-proclaimed wonk Ezra Klein, who, to Limbaugh’s surprise, had highlighted that the real U.S. unemployment rate is 11 percent in a blog post on Monday — a number that is bad news for President Barack Obama.
“From the Washington Post, Ezra Klein,” Limbaugh said. “We’ve talked about this guy before. He is a chickified guy, typical of the new castrati-libs out there today — a wunderkind. The liberal left, the blogosphere, they think this guy is the second coming. I mean, he is just it. He’s got this blog post at the Washington Post, and he’s got this piece here saying, ‘You know what, the real unemployment rate is 11 percent.’”
Limbaugh suggested Klein may have had some sort of divine intervention, or at least an intervention from Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow.
“You say, ‘What the hell happened here?’” Limbaugh continued. “I mean, I’m confused because this is not what Ezra Klein does. Ezra Klein covers up the bad news for Obama. He doesn’t highlight it. I’m wondering, did Tim Tebow call the guy. Has he been Tebow’d?” (Related: Heroes of Journolist: Dan Froomkin, James Surowiecki, Jeffrey Toobin, Michael Tomasky — and founder Ezra Klein)
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Limbaugh went to say that he had cited similar statistics that came from James Pethokoukis — who was at the time writing for Reuters and is now at the American Enterprise Institute — months prior. But, Limbaugh added, they were apparently not legitimized for Klein until the Financial Times’ Ed Luce wrote about the 11 percent figure on Sunday.