Wurl, the first mobile subscription platform for video, launched Thursday, and advocacy groups are already expressing their enthusiasm for the new service, which is available through a free app in both the iTunes and Android stores. Wurl allows video publishers to notify smartphone users when they publish new content.
No Labels, a group devoted to ending hyperpartisanship inside Washington, D.C., told The Daily Caller that it is “pumped to be a launch partner with Wurl.”
Stand Up To Cancer co-founder Rusty Robertson also expressed enthusiasm with the new apps’ potential to build her organization’s “grassroots movement of supporters.”
“Anyone who clicks our wrl.it link becomes a subscriber to all of our videos,” said Robertson in a statement for the launch. “It seamlessly engages them in a dialogue about how innovative science can end cancer.”
Robertson told The Daily Caller, “I think its going to just be the best thing since sliced bread.”
[Disclosure: The Daily Caller is a Wurl launch partner.]