
TheDC’s New Year’s resolutions

Taylor Bigler Entertainment Editor
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Here at The Daily Caller, self-improvement is an integral part of what we do.

Whether the goal is to spend more time with co-workers, to drink more alcohol, or to wear leather pants, there is no better time for making important resolutions than the dawning of the New Year.

Below, some of TheDC’s staff spill their New Year’s resolutions.

“Jim Treacher”: I will finish every single sentence I

Vince Coglianese, Senior Online Editor: I despise New Year’s resolutions. They only started because there’s no better time to realize how fat you are than after a marathon of good old-fashioned American holiday gorging. With that said, I’m resolving to spend more time soaking in TheDC’s Jamie Weinstein’s fireside chats.

Jamie Weinstein, Senior Editor:

1) Become proficient in planking

2) Place in the top 3 in the Iowa caucuses

3) Become the next colonel of Libya

4) And, if I can fit it in, win an International Emmy award for a groundbreaking performance on a Mexican soap opera (also known as telenovelas)

Neil Patel, CEO: Mine is to start being a little tougher on salaries and expenses.

Sean Rainey, Multimedia Producer: Drop 40 pounds, get a six pack, flatten that tummy to look like I did junior year of college! Oh yeah, find a girl too!

Will Rahn, Reporter:

1) Pander more.

2) Become even sexier.

Alex Treadway, COO and Senior Sales Associate : Attend Pilates classes, eat more vegetables and fruit and less dairy and drink more red wine.

Grae Stafford, Multimedia Producer: I vow to … get more sleep.

Caroline Gray, Sales Associate: I vow to drink more water!

Paul Conner, Online Editor:

1) To tell a joke that Vince Coglianese doesn’t laugh at.

2) To do more quality journalism (and by that, I mean to get more Drudge links).

Mike Piccione, Guns and Gear Editor: I’m going to learn the Lambada and wear leather pants. The opportunity for a middle aged man to wear leather pants and stand on a dance floor and do pelvic thrusts slips away quickly, and I don’t want to miss it another year.

David Martosko, Executive EditorMy resolution is to convince the Associated Press stylebook people to reinstate the Oxford comma. I mean, seriously? Who dedicates a book to “my parents, God and the Virgin Mary”?

Matthew Boyle, Reporter: I vow to golf more than Barack Obama and try to spend less than he does on vacations.

Jeff Poor, Media Reporter: I vow to keep Matthew Boyle’s ego in check in 2012.


Follow Taylor, who somehow managed to avoid sharing her own resolutions, on Twitter

Taylor Bigler