SALEM, N.H. — Former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum may have finally found an answer to the gay marriage question.
Santorum has earned a reputation for having what some call “extreme” positions on social issues by comparing gay marriage to bestiality and polygamy, among other things.
Asked at a town hall in Salem Monday morning how he thought he could beat President Barack Obama when many people found his positions to be extreme, Santorum pointed out that on the issue of gay marriage, he and Obama are pretty much on the same page.
“Everyone on the stage yesterday has pretty much the exact same position I have on all of these issues. President Obama says he has the same position I have on gay marriage,” Santorum said. “The only difference is between myself and any of them is that when someone asks me a question, I answer it.”
Indeed, though President Obama has taken steps politically that seem supportive of gay marriage at times – for instance, he instructed the Justice Department to stop defending the Defense of Marriage Act and called for its repeal, he has not come out in support of it, and said that as for his personal stance, he’s “still working on it.”