1.) Divulge-Mitt — See, like “divulgement,” except with the word “Mitt” in it. Because of this story. TheDC’s David Martosko reports:
“If you think you’ve already heard everything there is to know about Mitt Romney, think again. A 200-page document that appears to be Sen. John McCain’s entire 2008 election-year opposition research file on the former Massachusetts governor hit the Internet with a vengeance Tuesday evening. And it’s an eye-opener. The file explores everything from the assessed value of Romney’s house (‘$3.162 million’) to his views on the Boy Scouts’ ban of homosexuals (‘publicly opposed … in 1994 and 2002 campaigns’). It was made public Tuesday on the social media website Buzzfeed, although it appears to have been accessible online for two months… The extensive research on Romney’s business history includes many snippets and quotations from news stories that are no longer available online or have disappeared behind newspaper paywalls, making the file a likely gold mine for Romney’s political rivals this year… In the section covering Romney’s political liabilities, the document’s authors note his praise for Hillary Clinton during a 1998 event where he declared, ‘Hillary Clinton is very much right, it does take a village.’ They also explore his support for former Salt Lake City mayor Rocky Anderson, who returned the favor by running an ad in which he said, ‘Take it from this liberal Democrat. If you want an amazing leader, vote for Mitt Romney…’ In another, the document’s authors claim, Romney had this pearl of wisdom: ‘I thought becoming rich and famous would make me happy. Boy, was I right.'”
Uh-oh! Everybody knows you’re not allowed to luxuriate in your wealth and power unless you’re Michelle Obama. Well, let’s see what ol’ Mitt has to say about all this. Probably something bland yet vaguely unsettling.
2.) Who’s the leader of a state and fascist as can be? — With the latest from the People’s Republic of Wisconsin, here’s TheDC’s Matthew Boyle:
“National labor union-backed liberal activists have gathered and submitted 1 million signatures in Wisconsin in support of an orchestrated effort to force a recall election against Republican Gov. Scott Walker. Though the Democrats have no candidate to run against Walker — who they despise for cutting back on public sector unions’ stranglehold on Wisconsin’s coffers — they’re forging ahead with an effort to attack him. They need 540,208 valid signatures to officially ignite a recall election. There has been no indication of how many of the 1 million signatures are valid. Earlier this year, Wisconsin recall actvists were caught trying to pass ‘Mickey Mouse’ and ‘Adolf Hitler’ off as valid signatures.”
Can you prove Mickey Mouse and Adolf Hitler don’t want to recall Scott Walker? Can you prove it? Didn’t think so. Well, good luck to the liberals of Wisconsin and their valiant effort to recall Walker for fulfilling his campaign promises. And don’t forget to vote, Adolf and Mickey!
3.) Occupy DC vs. The Suits, maaaaaaan — The violent, filth-caked deviants of Occupy DC are about to get some more attention, but this time it’s not the kind they want. TheDC’s Will Rahn reports:
“The House oversight committee announced Tuesday that one of its subcommittees will hold a hearing next week to explore why Occupy protesters in Washington, D.C.’s McPherson Square have been allowed to camp there indefinitely. In a letter to witnesses that will be called to testify, South Carolina Republican Rep. Trey Gowdy said that his Subcommittee on Health Care, District of Columbia, Census and the National Archives will ‘focus on the decision-making process that has allowed continued camping in McPherson Square for more than three months despite the apparent illegality of it.’ City health officials say the months-long protest in McPherson Square has led to ‘very unsanitary conditions.’ Critics also note that an infant was recently found abandoned in a tent as temperatures outside plummeted, and that the rat population in the area has exploded… While similar Occupy camps have appeared all over the country in recent months, the one in McPherson is unique in that it falls under the discretion of the National Park Service.”
Oh, those nutty Republicans and their “laws.” In other Occupy DC news, yesterday an Occupier nonviolently assaulted a police officer on Capitol Hill, and another one nonviolently threw a smoke bomb over the White House fence. So it was a slow day for them.
4.) Micturating Marines maligned by morons — Killing terrorists is good, but peeing on them afterward is the greatest war crime in the history of war or crime. Why is that, anyway? TheDC’s Jeff Poor reports:
“In an appearance on ‘Imus in the Morning’ on the Fox Business Network, former Navy SEAL officer Leif Babin criticized the reaction to a video of U.S. Marines urinating on dead Taliban, pointing out that the media focuses on that while ignoring the sacrifices of fallen soldiers. ‘The reaction to this is quite frustrating, I think, for everyone who has been a combat soldier, Marine, or just on the ground, and especially as a combat leader,’ Babin said. ‘You know, you have to walk a mile in these guys’ shoes and understand where they’re coming from. Was this immature behavior? Absolutely. Does it deserve a reprimand? Sure. Are they war criminals? Absolutely not… You have press conferences, I mean, from the Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense-level, calling it a despicable act, calling for the prosecution of these guys — “They will be held accountable in the strongest terms possible”… And you know, I wish we made as big a deal out of the servicemen that have given their lives in this conflict. At least 13 so far this year, and we’re not even hearing the names of those guys. They are just running sound bites of these Marines urinating on Taliban soldiers.'”
Well, Obama doesn’t need those guys anymore. Bin Laden’s already dead.
5.) The Colbert retort — Stephen Colbert — ha ha ha, chortle chuckle guffaw, it’s hard to even say his name without laughing because of how hilarious he is, hee hee — is “running” for “president” or “something.” David Martosko reports:
“The super PAC formerly controlled by comedian Stephen Colbert has let loose another ad on the GOP presidential primary field, and no — this one doesn’t describe former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney as a serial killer. The new ad, unveiled Tuesday night and running tomorrow in Charleston, S.C., takes aim at the surrogate groups supporting Romney and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. As the Romney-friendly Restore Our Future and the Gingrich-enamored Winning our Future duke it out with ever-intensifying negative ad campaigns, the Colbert-aligned ‘Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow”’super PAC has a solution: obliterate them both. ‘Donate today and we’ll destroy both these guys and their super PACs,’ the new ad promises, ‘with a merciless ad torrent so fierce they’ll wish they’d never been incorporated — an orgy of pure distortion leaving nothing behind but the clean campaign we all deserve.'”
HA HA HA HA HA DO YA GET IT??? See, because he means just the opposite, except not really… but seriously… no, not seriously… ohyoujustdon’tgetsatireyouwingnut.
6.) Today’s words of wisdom from David Burge’s Twitter feed — “Best thing about the video of Pelosi disowning #Occupy? The ‘BANK OF AMERICA’ banner behind her. #tearsoflaughter”