Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid declared Tuesday night that he would “promote” a new book by Media Matters founder David Brock that continues the organization’s drumbeat of attacks against the Fox News Channel.
Politico’s Ken Vogel, who was in attendance at the invite-only party, reports that Reid told the assembled that he was “looking forward to the book,” that he felt good having someone assisting him in “beating up on Fox,” and that he would help “promote” it. (RELATED: More stories in the ‘Inside Media Matters’ investigative series)
“I will do anything I can to make sure it’s a success,” he said.
Reid celebrated Brock by saying that he “has changed the political world as we know it.”
As Politico’s Dylan Byers notes, this warm embrace could be construed as “evidence of collusion between the Democratic establishment and Brock’s liberal watchdog group.”
Reid was among other notable Democrats featured on the gathering’s invitation including Minnesota Senator Al Franken, former Center for American Progress head John Podesta, former White House communications director Anita Dunn, and Democratic strategists James Carville and Paul Begala.