
Harry Reid: ‘I don’t know’ if my relationship with Media Matters violates its tax-exempt status

Michelle Fields Contributor
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In an exclusive interview at the U.S. Capitol on Thursday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid told The Daily Caller that he doesn’t know if his plan to promote Media Matters for America‘s new book violates the legal requirements of its 501(c)(3) non-profit status.

When TheDC asked Reid whether he will be helping Media Matters’ David Brock promote the book, “The Fox Effect,” he said he would assist Brock “any way I can. … I have the greatest respect for [him], and his co-author [Ari Rabin-Havt] worked for me for many years.” (RELATED: More stories in the investigative ‘Inside Media Matters’ series)

Reid attended the launch party for the anti-Fox News book at Media Matters’ headquarters. He told the assembled crowd there that he enjoyed “beating up on Fox” and would “promote” the book.

Officially, the listed authors of “The Fox Effect” are David Brock, Ari Rabin-Havt and the Media Matters For America organization itself. Reid’s advocacy on behalf of the book will, therefore, directly financially benefit Media Matters.

TheDC then asked Reid whether he thought his relationship with Media Matters and David Brock represented a violation of Media Matters’ non-profit status — which requires the group to avoid endorsing or supporting political candidates — he said, “I don’t know anything about that.”

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