
Biden bungles Mitt’s job: ‘Senator Romney’ doesn’t want to ‘dictate’ health coverage [AUDIO]

Nicholas Ballasy Senior Video Reporter
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Vice President Joe Biden defended President Barack Obama’s health care reform law Tuesday, specifically praising the provision that requires companies to cover individuals with pre-existing conditions, criticizing “Senator Romney” for opposing this part of the law.

“The president and I think that, it’s already the law, that anybody, any quote child, dependent, who has a pre-existing condition should automatically be covered by their parents’ insurance policy and we believe that if every insurance company has to do it, it’s no disadvantage to one insurance company verses the other,” said Biden at an event on college affordability in Norfolk, Va.

“Well, our friends, Senator Santorum and Senator Romney and others, they don’t think the government should dictate that.”

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, the front-runner in the GOP presidential race, has vowed to repeal the health care law. The Supreme Court is currently reviewing the constitutionality of the law’s individual mandate, which requires individuals to purchase health insurance or pay a fine.

Biden said the Republicans have a “legitimate” argument that the government should not be engaged in health care. However, he “strongly” disagrees.

“I don’t want to make fun of — I’m not saying our Republicans friends don’t care about people. They care about people just as much as we do,” he said.

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