Herman Cain explains his chicken ad

Alex Myers Contributor
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At a conference sponsored by the conservative Young America’s Foundation last week, former GOP candidate Herman Cain explained one of the bizarre ads he’s been promoting recently.

“We wanted to highlight the fact that the demands of government on the average tax payer continue to go up, not down,” he said, explaining an ad in which chickens devour a man. “It’s to the point where the average tax payer cannot satisfy the insatiable appetite of big government.”

And so: “Chickens represent big government and they are not going to be happy until they have pecked all of the flesh off of our bones. That’s the message,” Cain said.

Because the conference is supposed to get youth involved in the conservative movement, one man asked Cain why he thought unemployment for college grads was so high and how they can get involved.

Cain said that youth unemployment is so high because businesses, under the Obama administration, are not in a state to grow.

“That’s what’s so tragic about this administration,” Cain said, “They don’t believe in the free market system. Not enough new jobs are being created, that’s the problem.”

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