June 28 Lagniappe

Matt K. Lewis Senior Contributor
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Walter Russell Mead for The American Interest: “Time to Occupy State Pensions?”

Melissa Quinn for The Daily Caller: “White House denies sequestration is going to happen”

Suzy Khimm for The Washington Post: “Yes, the government wants to get more people on food stamps”

Jay Cost for The Weekly Standard: “The Mandate Represents What’s Wrong With Democrats”

Poor Richard’s News: “The ultimate roundup of Supreme Court ObamaCare predictions”

David Harsanyi for Human Events: “The President’s Populist Pablum”

Jonathan Tobin for Commentary: “GOP Shouldn’t Rush to Replace ObamaCare”

Ian Tuttle for First Things: “The Duty to Preserve Religious Liberty” 

The odds on Intrade of the Supreme Court finding the mandate unconstitutional

Nate Silver for The New York Times: “Overconfidence Suggested in Supreme Court Predictions”

Jeffrey Goldberg for The Atlantic: “Cairo Is No Place for a Woman”


Feel free to contact me with suggestions for the next day’s Lewis’s Lagniappe.

And as always, your input is welcome on anything I write.

Here’s how you can provide your two cents: You can comment on the thread below (if it’s insightful enough, I might address it directly), Email Me (remember, there’s no word limit)or tweet me @MattKLewis and/or my intern (Justin) @JGreenDC



Matt K. Lewis