‘Million Big Gulp March’ to protest Bloomberg soda limits

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New Yorkers fed up the Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s proposed limits on soft drink size will participate in a “Million Big Gulp March” Monday evening.

After waiting more than a month to obtain a protest permit, opponents of Bloomberg’s crackdown on large beverages will stage a protest at City Hall Park.

Zach Huff, spokesman for the freedom advocacy group behind the rally, told The Daily Caller that the “long overdue response” anticiaqtes between 500 and 1,000 protesters. The rally will also feature local politicians, businessmen, and activist speakers opposed to the ban.

“We are hoping to send not only a message to stop this intrusion into our personal lives and small businesses but also the general idea that they have done this consistently, telling us where we can and cannot smoke, telling you how much salt you can have on and on and on,” Huff said

The protest is set to begin at 4:30 p.m. and last until 7:45.

“It is not about the number of ounces in the cup,” Huff added. “It is about the number of liberties we have left.”

Bloomberg’s ban would eliminate sugary beverages over 16 ounces from restaurants, stadiums, movie theatres, and the like across the city. The city’s health board would need to approve the measure. On July 24 the board will take it up in the first of three planned public hearings.

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Caroline May