DC Trawler

Is this really a North Korean propaganda video about life in the United States?

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I’m calling BS on this, but either way it’s pretty funny.

Yahoo! News:

A new video has been posted to the Live Leak site that claims to be a North Korean propaganda video showing a dystopian American society.

It’s unclear if the translation is accurate, and whether the video did in fact originate in North Korea…

But if true, the video is hilarious in its attempt to create an imaginary America where the population lives off of snow and has eaten the entire population of birds. Yes, that’s right, the video repeatedly claims that there are no birds in America because the people have been forced to eat all of them.

A rush transcript:

How Americans Live Today

This is how Americans live today: drinking coffee made from snow and living in tents and buying guns to kill each other, especially children. Some people complain about the guns.

Living on the streets of modern-day America.

These trees are full of snow. You’ll see that there are no birds. They’ve been eaten by the people who live in these tents and corridors. This man awaits heroin.

Their houses blow down very easily, and they have to live in tents like these.

This man will show us his tent with pride. He points to his items, but the camera notices his roof has fallen down. This is common in modern-day America. The American Red Cross supplies curtains and walls from material from North Korea.

Again, there are no birds in the trees apart from these, which will be eaten on Tuesday. They are yummy.

You can also eat the snow, of which there is plenty in the United States.

These people lie huddled together with their dead friends in blue body bags, drinking coffee cups full of local snow. They are very good friends. They are together in adversity.

In other parts of America, often disguised as foreign countries in Europe, people live the same terrible life. This man, a former Republican candidate for Oregon, is now having to get coffee made of snow from these trucks. Many Americans have to live like this daily, and are entitled to one cup most days. The weather is freezing, but the hot snow tastes nice. (That man’s taking the blankets while they’re looking.) They are very grateful to their government for these handouts.

Yummy. They enjoy it immensely.

Meantime, in the major offices, factories, and railway stations, people sit around on expensive adverts for Dell Computers, drinking snow from plastic cups. People pass by, not caring, for they are all in the same situation.

These telephones no longer work. There is no one to call.

Some lucky people are allowed beds and floors indoors like this. This is how they live in modern-day America. Huddled together: the poor, the cold, the lonely, and the homosexual.

The North Korean camera crew awoke this guy, who was very cold, and gave him some North Korean coffee and a blanket.

Meantime, these people queued up for handouts from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and were each given a cake.

This is indistinguishable from MSNBC’s reporting on the sequester. Just kidding, this is way more realistic.

I’m reminded of an old joke: “The snow-coffee in that country is terrible. And such small portions!”

No wonder Dennis Rodman wants to get out of this place and go back to North Korea, where it’s safe.

P.S. The video is real, but the English narration is fake.