DC Trawler

According to Obama, some mourning families are more equal than others

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If your child is murdered, don’t expect President Barack Obama to pretend to care. Unless, of course, he finds your grief and anguish helpful politically.

Courtesy of Poor Richard’s News, here’s a segment from Sean Hannity’s radio show last week. Hannity is talking to Pat Smith, the mother of Sean Smith, one of the Americans murdered by Islamic terrorists in Benghazi, Libya last September 11:

Well, maybe Mrs. Smith is just a victim of the sequester. Just because her child was murdered, that doesn’t entitle her to a plane ride at government expense.


Associated Press:

President Barack Obama is providing a ride on Air Force One to 11 relatives of those killed at Connecticut’s Sandy Hook Elementary School so they can attend his gun control speech Monday before heading to Washington to personally plead with senators reluctant to back gun legislation.

Before a speech in Hartford, Obama plans to meet privately with relatives of seven children and one staffer killed during December’s massacre. Afterward they plan to travel back to Washington on the presidential plane.

Newtown survivors can help Obama get what he wants. Benghazi survivors can only embarrass him.

After the last 5 years, if you still think this man cares about you and your loved ones as human beings, you’re a fool. You’re either props or obstacles. Nothing more.

Quite possibly less.

P.S. “Let’s make it a little harder for our kids to get gunned down.” Don’t worry, Mr. President, we won’t let them join the State Department.