
Daily Show co-creator: Oklahoma tornado ‘ordered to only target conservatives’

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Just as a massive tornado was devastating the Oklahoma City area, “The Daily Show” co-creator Lizz Winstead took to Twitter to claim that the tornado was targeted at conservatives.

“This tornado is in Oklahoma so clearly it has been ordered to only target conservatives,” Winstead tweeted in an apparent attempt at humor, trying to compare the Internal Revenue Service targeting of conservatives to the tornado bearing down on Oklahoma.


— Lizz Winstead (@lizzwinstead) May 20, 2013


When she received push-back on Twitter she responded “If Its not OK to YOU for me to combine news stories to point out hypocrisy AND Im not making fun of victims u shld Unfollow.”

Winstead eventually went on to apologize for her joke.

“Made a political joke, Twas before devastation revealed. In hindsight, had I understood, I would have refrained. Beyond sorry. ‪#LetMeHaveIt,” she tweeted.

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Caroline May