Gang of 8 vs. VAWA: Byron York notes some of the shortcomings of the pending Gang of 8 bill’s treatment of illegal immigrants with criminal records: You’re only blackballed when you are convicted of three misdemeanors–an achievement, given the tendency of overworked prosecutors to accept misdemeanor pleas for felony charges. Even three misdemeanors can be waived by Janet Napolitano–or whoever is Secretary of DHS–“in the public interest.” And you have to have been convicted of the misdemeanors on separate days. …
But the most controversial part of the bill might be the specific actual misdemeanors that won’t stop an undocumented immigrant from being more or less instantly legalized: They include, not just DUI offenses, but also domestic violence and child abuse.
Since at least the early ’90s, Democrats have championed and re-championed the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), a major legislative statement affirming the need to vigorously pursue spousal abuse. It provides funds for victims, finances community prevention programs, shields sexual assault accusers, etc. It can’t be that all this passion goes out the window when a spouse-abuser happens to be an illegal immigrant asking for legalization, can it? …
I’ve already suggested some Democrats are secretly balking at Senator Cornyn’s plan to deny legal status to immigrants with DUI convictions. His “RESULTS” amendment, which isn’t that tough in the border security department, would nevertheless also block the legalization of illegals guilty of
a misdemeanor in the convicting jurisdiction which involved—‘‘(aa) domestic violence (as defined in section 40002(a) of the Violence Against Women Act of 1994 (42 U.S.C. 13925(a)); ‘‘(bb) child abuse and neglect (as defined in section 40002(a) of the Violence Against 113 EAS13772 S.L.C [Emphasis Added]
Is that controversial? Do we want child abusers and spouse-beaters? People who are convicted of those offenses twice? Gang? … P.S.: Didn’t Vice President Biden write the Violence Against Women Act? You might consult him …
P.S.-Frontiers of Interactivity: That Senate contact list in full. You can affect what you will read here in the next few days. …