DC Trawler

Obrewercare backlash in Arizona

Jon Gabriel Contributor
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Arizona Governor Jan Brewer earned much conservative praise for her finger-pointing duels with President Obama. So Republicans from coast to coast were stunned to find her transformed into a passionate Obamacare booster.

Earlier this month, Brewer challenged the authority of her GOP-led state legislature and rammed through a vast expansion of the Medicaid program through Obamacare. A “Brewer Coalition” of every Democrat and a handful of Republicans engineered a 3:40 a.m. house vote, refusing to answer any questions about the controversial measure. The legislation was rushed through the state senate and proudly signed by the governor.

Now Brewer and her liberal allies are finding the fingers pointed back at them. Grassroots conservatives are fighting back with primaries, rallies, and now a possible repeal.

One group filed paperwork this week for a ballot referendum to reverse the Obrewercare expansion. They’ll kick off the “People’s Veto” with a rally at the State Capitol this Saturday at 10 a.m. They need to gather 100,000 signatures within the next 82 days, but organizers are confident it can be done.

Apparently Brewer agrees that it can be done. Within hours of filing the People’s Veto, the governor’s allies began attacking the URAPC, formed an opposition committee headed by former DC lobbyists, and scheduled a counter rally at the capitol.

It’s shaping up to be a long, hot summer in Arizona — even hotter than usual. With the help of conservatives inside and outside the state, fiscal sanity will carry the day.

Jon Gabriel