Following the latest knockout game attack against an elderly man in Rochester, N.Y., the alleged attacker and his cameraman posted the video on Facebook — along with their identifying information.
Tiaje Gray of Rochester posted the video over the weekend of a young man running up and striking an elderly man from behind, who was walking through the snow with his hood up.
Though Gray didn’t identify the attacker in his post, Facebook alias “Haze on Homage” commented on the post and, with the inclusion of some explatives, said: “He saw me the whole time getting ready to punch him its his fault he didn’t wanna fight.”
“Haze on Homage” effectively identified both men by commenting on the post, and a source online claims to have acquired the attacker’s real name.
The post has since been deleted from Gray’s Facebook, but was screen-captured and posted to along with the date, time, exact location of the attack, and contact information for the Rochester New York Police Department.