
NY official sworn in by placing hand on iPad

Alexis Levinson Political Reporter
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When a New York official was sworn into office on Thursday, a hard copy of the Bible could not be found.

So instead, Republican Nassau County Executive Edward Mangano placed his hand on an iPad with the text of the good book displayed on the screen.

Newsday reported that Mangano was sworn in for his second term and “took the oath of office on an iPad featuring a text of the Bible when a printed copy could not be located.”

New Yorkers struggled to keep track of their Bibles at swearing-ins this week. On Wednesday, the New York Post reported, the Bible on which New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio was sworn in went missing after the ceremony, prompting a panicked search for the book, which belonged to President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

The Bible was located several hours later.

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Alexis Levinson