The Mirror

Morning Mirror

Betsy Rothstein Gossip blogger
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Will HuffPost‘s D.C. Bureau relocate in the name of weed? 

“Looking forward to hearing @ryangrim‘s proposal to relocate DC bureau to Colorado.” — HuffPost‘s obviously joking Jason Linkins.

The Public Admirer 

“@kenvogel is such a huge pain of the ass to the all the GOP donors he stakes out, & still gets em to talk. Amazing.” — Politico‘s Glenn Thrush, linking to this story by his colleague Ken Vogel.


“Playbook scoop: Susan Rice has ‘put in motion a proposal to change name of National Security Staff back to National Security Council staff”” — The Sunday Times‘ Washington Bureau Chief Toby Harnden in a sarcastic reaction to this morning’s Playbook and story by Jonathan Allen. He told The Mirror, “I think Iran will be quaking in its boots.”

Communications officer/ex-reporter recovering from heart surgery 

“3 wks ago today, Dr. Bafi @MedStarWHC replaced my aorta and repaired my aortic valve. Feeling pretty good. #2013″ — Jonathan Kaplan, communications officer for Open Society, former State Department Spokesman and former reporter for The Hill. Cost of saving his life: $73, 467.86.

Grandma: Can you hear me now? 

“Does this happen to you? You call Nana from your cell. Call gets dropped. Nana calls back panicked, ‘Are you ok, what happened?” #everytime‘” — John Powers, online contributor for ClotureClub.

Blogger says Google “sucks” 

“OK, you heard it here first: Google sucks. I’m having customer service hell right now.” — Jeff Jarvis, BuzzMachine blogger and J-school prof. He explained the whole saga on Google+: “My third Chromebook died — black screen — and I received email on Monday 12/30 saying it had shipped. OK. But UPS said merely that a label was created; it hadn’t shipped. So that email lied. I just spent an hour going through Dell Hell with Google people with the first telling me it had not shipped, the second telling me it must have because a label was created, the third telling me it had not shipped, the fourth telling me it shipped while we were on the phone. Hmmmm. …I will be a week without a working machine. It pains me to tell you this.
I will confess looking at Macbook Airs.”


Pot story jealousy strikes 

“Loving @CNN reporter whose taking one for the team by sitting in a hot box with two blunt smokers in Colorado. Hard day at office?” — Matt Laslo, freelance Capitol Hill reporter.