Shia LaBeouf, an actor who “retired” and then un-retired earlier this year after he was accused of plagiarizing an entire movie, is the world’s worst person. Herein lies the proof. (RELATED: Shia LaBeouf returns to public life four days after retiring)
At the Berlin Film Festival premiere of Nazi sympathizer Lars Von Trier’s “Nymphomaniac” over the weekend, LaBeouf wore a black tuxedo and accessorized it by putting a paper bag over his head with the words “I’M NOT FAMOUS ANYMORE” written in black marker on it, a statement that he tweets daily.
This wasn’t the only douchey stunt he pulled at the festival.
During a press conference for the film, he got asked a question about filming copious amounts of sex scenes. According to The Hollywood Reporter, LaBeouf replied with a quote from French soccer player Eric Cantona and then stormed out of the press conference: “When the seagulls follow the trawler, it’s because they think sardines will be thrown into the sea. Thank you very much.”