
Joe Scarborough plans trip to New Hampshire

Alex Pappas Political Reporter
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MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough – who has not ruled out a bid for president in 2016 – is now scheduled to speak at a gathering of Republicans in New Hampshire next month.

The host of Morning Joe is set to address the Northeast Republican Leadership Conference the weekend of March 14 to 15 in Nashua, N.H., according to the event’s website.

The Boston Globe on Wednesday first reported on the event, which will also include other potential presidential candidates Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, Rep. Peter King of New York and former Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania.

The Daily Caller reported last week that it’s widely believed at MSNBC — including among network brass — that Scarborough is actively mulling a presidential bid.

Subsequently asked about the report, Scarborough downplayed the possibility that he would run. But asked by radio host Hugh Hewitt if he was ruling it out, Scarborough said: “No, I won’t rule anything out. I’ve always said and I’ve always been open about the fact that the greatest job I ever had and the greatest honor I’ve ever had was being in the House of Representatives.”

“It was an absolute thrill and I had to get out because I had young children to raise and I wanted to be back home in Pensacola,” he said. “No, I’ve always said I wanted to get back in. It’s just a matter of time. We’ll see what happens.

Here’s Scarborough’s biography, according to the Northeast Republican Leadership Conference website:

“Joe Scarborough is a cable news and talk radio host, lawyer, author, and former politician. He is currently the host of Morning Joe on MSNBC, and previously hosted Scarborough Country on the same channel. Scarborough served in the United States House of Representatives from 1995 to 2001 as a Republican from the 1st district of Florida. He was named in the 2011 Time 100 as one of the most influential people in the world.”

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