
Oil rig worker claims to have seen Malaysian Airlines flight go down

Giuseppe Macri Tech Editor
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An oil rig worker positioned off the southeast coast of Vietnam claims to have seen missing Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 go down.

“I believe I saw the Malaysian Airlines plane come down. The timing is right,” the worker wrote in a letter to his employers than has since been confirmed by Vietnamese officials and shared by ABC News.


In the letter the worker states he saw a plane burning at high altitude flying perpendicular to the area’s standard plane routes.

“From when I first saw the burning [plane] until the flames went out [still at high altitude] was 10-15 seconds. There was no lateral movement, so it was either coming toward our location, stationary, or going away from our location,” the letter said.

After receiving the letter Vietnamese teams reportedly searched the area but found nothing.

The search for the plane expanded to cover the Strait of Malacca Tuesday after reports the Malaysian Military may have picked up radar traces of the plane heading in the opposite direction from takeoff toward Malaysia’s west coast.

Authorities report that evidence has since come under doubt, with no new leads reported as of noon Wednesday.

The plane lost contact with air traffic control an hour into its flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing over the weekend.

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Tags : flight 370
Giuseppe Macri