
Eric Holder explodes at GOP rep: ‘You don’t want to go there, buddy!’ [VIDEO]

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Attorney General Eric Holder exploded at Texas Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert during a House hearing Tuesday.

In the midst of questions about the Justice Department’s failure to divulge documents about the Holy Land Foundation terror funding trial, Gohmert made a side comment about how the House of Representatives found Holder in contempt in 2012 for refusing to turn over documents related to the Fast and Furious gun-running scandal.

“I realize that contempt is not a big deal to our attorney general, but it is important that we have proper oversight,” Gohmert said.

“You don’t want to go there, buddy! You don’t want to go there, okay,” Holder shot back.

“I don’t want to go there?” the Texas Republican responded.

“No,” Holder said, leaning forward in his seat.

“About the contempt?” Gohmert asked.

“You should not assume that that is not a big deal to me. I think that it was inappropriate, I think it was unjust. But never think that that was not a big deal to me. Don’t ever think that,” Holder said pointing at Gohmert.

Gohmert reiterated that the Justice Department has still not produced the documents related to Holders contempt charge.

“I’m just looking for evidence and normally we’re known by our fruits and there’s been no indications that it was a big deal because your department still has not been forthcoming in producing the documents that were the subject of the contempt,” Gohmert said.

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