The Oculus Rift virtual reality headset is well-established as the go-to tech for the best virtual reality experience, and its latest demonstration takes flying with Oculus to a new and literal level.
Berlin-based developer Diego Araos connected a Parrot AR drone to an Oculus Rift and designated it as the drone’s flight controller, which interprets movement commands from head motion tracking through the headset.
“Diego is going to drive the drone with his head,” an off-camera voice says in a YouTube video uploaded this week.
While viewing the drone’s camera feed through the Oculus, the pilot controls the drone by nodding, tilting and rolling the head.
Oculus tech has been the subject of numerous modifications for everything from upgrading current video games and inventing new ones to letting men and women switch bodies and embark on new social experiments through VR.
Facebook bought Oculus late last month and plans to take virtual reality into multiple new arenas, including social media.