The Mirror

Rep. Joe Garcia Blames Ear Wax Incident On Hangnails

Betsy Rothstein Gossip blogger
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Who wants to call BULLSHIT on this one?

Rep. Joe Garcia (D-Fla.), who became famous this week for digging out a granola-sized piece of ear wax and sticking it in his mouth during a House Judiciary Committee hearing last week, is now arguing that the whole stick his fingers in his mouth thing involved hangnails, not ear wax.

Congressman, please.

C-SPAN has you filmed. You dug out the wax, you looked at it and put your finger in your mouth.

Since Garcia’s press office isn’t talking, The Mirror turned to the congressman’s Twitter feed for answers. Horribly, he dragged his mother into this.

Dumb question: Which Washington manicurist is going to tackle this one?
