The Twitter hashtag #EndFathersDay started out as a hoax, but feminists quickly picked it up and ran with it, according to the Washington Examiner.
To some angry feminists, Father’s Day is a celebration of patriarchy and oppression, and men shouldn’t even be allowed near children. And if you don’t agree with them, you are the problem.
Instead of Fathers Day we need Castration Day #EndFathersDay
— Phoebe Kwon (@PhoebeKwon) June 13, 2014
@veronbot @girlgerms @PointZeroOneAI THE MAJORITY OF PRESENT PARENTS ARE NOT FATHERS. That’s why #EndFathersDay. #YesAllWomen
— Marissa S. (@marisJ_s) June 13, 2014
#EndFathersDay bc it’s a celebration of patriarchy and oppression.
— NayNay Thompson (@NayNayCantStop) June 13, 2014
Thank you for making #EndFathersDay #1 trend worldwide. We’re bringing light to an important issue. #patriarchy #feminism — Sarah All Inclusive (@InclusiveSarah) June 13, 2014
The amount of women actually defending this misogynistic holiday is disgusting #Internalizedsexism #MalePrivilege #EndFathersDay — Phoebe Kwon (@PhoebeKwon) June 13, 2014
#EndFathersDay bc it’s literally worshiping the patriarchy. If ur not behind this, #YouAreTheProblem — NayNay Thompson (@NayNayCantStop) June 13, 2014
It even inspired some people to want to end Mother’s Day, too.
I say we make Guardians Day and Diversity Day to replace Mother’s and Father’s Day..whose with me? #EndMothersDay #EndFathersDay — Bonnie (@neveragain842) June 13, 2014
#EndFathersDay #EndMothersDay — Space Bound ✨ (@HtOwNzOuTLaW713) June 13, 2014
How bout we #EndMothersDay and #EndFathersDay we don’t really need these holidays anyway. It’s not that important. — Bonnie (@neveragain842) June 13, 2014
#endfathersday and mothers day. And all days. Kill everyone. The human race is garbage and we are destroying the earth. — Lush (@Detriots) June 13, 2014
But then some people turned around and attacked the hashtag.
The girls tweeting #EndFathersDay are doing it from the fancy phone or tablet that their father probably bought for them. Shame. — Helm (@NightmareOnHelm) June 13, 2014
#EndFathersDay: Because appreciating & loving your father is rape culture. #FeministLogic #Misandry #WarAgainstMen
— Dale Craft (@DaleCraft) June 13, 2014
Fortunately, there are still some sane people, and some great fathers.
Maybe I should ignore my kids today instead of taking care of them #EndFathersDay
— T.J. Kats (@SupaKats) June 13, 2014
#EndFathersDay sounds like a terrible joke gone wrong. Men and women should be equal. Mother’s Day and Father’s Day co-exist. IT’S GOOD.
— Evan (@dieseldog09) June 13, 2014
my dad busted his balls as a doctor to provide for my family. #EndFathersDay is disrespectful af to him
— Andrew Sokol (@sokol_33goalie) June 13, 2014
#EndFathersDay? What a wonderful example for women to give their children, particularly their sons.
— EmRM (@EmG_R_EmM) June 13, 2014
And of course, there were “Mean Girls” tweets. You go, Glen Coco.
i dont think my father, the inventor of toaster strudel, would be too pleased to hear about this hashtag. #EndFathersDay
— hi, i am satan (@shannonstephens) June 13, 2014