
Boko Haram Mocks #BringBackOur Girls [VIDEO]

Aaron Bandler Contributor
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Boko Haram didn’t take Michelle Obama’s #BringBackOurGirls campaign very seriously.

The Nigerian Islamic militant group‘s leader Abubakar Shekeau, in a video obtained by AFP, shouts and laughs at a camera while armed and flanked by other armed Islamic militants.

Shekeau, according to The Washington Times, declared that the 223 girls kidnapped by the terror group in April will not be released until Nigeria releases members of Boko Haram’s army.

“I trust in Allah, I trust in Allah,” Shekeau chanted in a mocking sing-song voice.

The Boko Haram continued with a taunting smile by saying, “You have been going around saying, ‘Bring Back Our Girls.’ Bring back our army.”

Shekeau then gives orders to “Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill Christians!”

The UK Independent reported that in another clip, Shekeau brags about two bombings at a fuel depot in Lagos on June 25 orchestrated by Boko Haram that the Nigerian government attempted to cover-up.

At least four people died in those blasts. The Nigerian government had claimed that one of the explosions was caused by a gas cylinder.


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