On Stephen King’s tweeting skills
“While @StephenKing‘s ‘On Writing’ is properly considered one of the great books about the craft, don’t expect much from his ‘On Tweeting.’ — Lee Stranahan, filmmaker and ex-Breitbart News reporter.
Quote Taken Entirely Out Of Context
“God I wish I didn’t typo that tweet.” — TalkingPointsMemo‘s Igor Bobic.
Beyoncé and Jay-Z fallout
“I was about to tweet one of my stories but then got distracted and tweeted about Beyonce and Jay-Z instead. #millenials.” — HuffPost‘s Elise Foley.
“You’re all going to get an email from Beyonce’s publicist asking you to take those unflattering tweets down.” — Washington Post‘s Hunter Schwarz.
Tommy Christopher was hired by The Daily Caller?
On Wednesday, The Daily Banter‘s Tommy Christopher got Marty’D. And here’s how that all played out.
TOMMY: Someone seriously trolled Benjamin Netanyahu’s Wikipedia Page.
Marty Rudolf: You still are a WH Correspondent but now for The Daily Caller, Tommy?
TOMMY: That is correct.
Marty Rudolf: Very cool! Describe what you think of Josh Earnest as the WH Press Secretary Holding Daily Briefings Explaining Obama Policies.
Important Q to Ponder: “Who would win in a fight between Rick Perry’s glasses and Sarah Palin’s glasses?” — Jezebel’s Erin Gloria Ryan.
Sexting trash talk
Olivier Knox: “I joke that NSA is busy with ‘all of my sexting.’ @Jeneps [Politico’s Jennifer Epstein] comes in for the kill: ‘No, they only share pix of attractive people.'”
FNC’s Dana Perino: “Then @steveholland1 [Reuter’s White House correspondent Steve Holland] should be very worried indeed.”
“Any good book on tape recommendations? #OldManRoadTrip” — Washington Free Beacon‘s Bill McMorris. (Send your funny suggestions to The Mirror at Betsy@DailyCaller.com. We’ll be sure to pass them on to McMorris.)
SOS: Montel Williams, Leathers needs you
“My dad has been trying to get an appointment with the VA in Evansville, Indiana FOR TWO FUCKING MONTHS. Why do we treat Veterans this way?” — Sydney Elaine Leathers, ex-sexting partner to ex-Rep. Anthony Weiner.