Liberal comedian John Oliver took on President Barack Obama Sunday night over the tone the president set while sending American troops back into battle in Iraq.
“When he announced the airstrikes, the president was anxious to make two things clear,” Oliver said on his HBO show “Last Week Tonight.” “One, how this was the right thing to do, and two, how little he wanted to do it.”
After showing a montage of newscasters commenting on how reluctant Obama sounded in his speech announcing airstrikes in Iraq, Oliver mocked: “Ah, yes, reluctance — it’s always been the best tone for leaders to use when inspiring troops before battle.”
“Who can forget Henry V’s immortal words,” Oliver continued, “‘Once more into the breach, dear friends! Unfortunately. Because obviously, everyone would prefer not to go into the breach. Even by breach standards, this breach is ghastly. Look, we all hate breaches, but we’re going into this one. We don’t have to like it, we just have to get this shit over with. Who’s with me? Charge! Charge!”