Still MORE Proof Racism Is Totally EVERYWHERE All The Time

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The Daily Caller’s alphabetical tour de force showing that absolutely everything is racist rolls unstoppably on.

Here are 11 things beginning with the letter “P” that someone, somewhere has deemed terribly, insidiously racist.

peanut butter and jelly sandwich Getty Images Michael ValdezIn November 2013, a public elementary school principal in Portland, Ore. deemed peanut butter and jelly sandwiches racist. Harvey Scott K-8 School principal Verenice Gutierrez said she was concerned because “Somali or Hispanic students” “might not eat sandwiches.” “Maybe they eat torta,” Gutierrez suggested. “Or pita.” Gutierrez also instituted a separate-but-unequal drum class for middle school black and Hispanic boys only. Participants had to be male and could not be white or Asian. (RELATED: Now Peanut Butter And Jelly Sandwiches Are Racist)

Peter Pan YouTube screenshot kitsune21809In its daily struggle for content, BuzzFeed published a March 2013 listicle explaining why several Disney movies are racist. Peter Pan makes the list because American Indians are portrayed in the 1953 film as mostly silent. The chief talks, but his English is stilted. Also, the hand-illustrated Indians in the animated film have bright red faces, so that’s more racism right there. For the record, BuzzFeed also calls Pocahontas (1995) racist because it allegedly insinuates that Indians had savage tendencies.

Oxford comma by Eric OwensIn November 2013, UCLA education professor Val Rust inflamed racial tensions at the University of California, Los Angeles by correcting punctuation, grammar and capitalization in minority students’ assignments. The act of correcting a black student was “micro-aggression,” according to the members of the student group “Call 2 Action: Graduate Students of Color,” which launched a sit-in. The “barrage of questions by white colleagues and the grammar ‘lessons’ by the professor have contributed to a hostile class climate,” the student group charged. One raging issue was the capitalization of the English word “indigenous.” (RELATED: Prof Corrects Minority Students’ Capitalization, Is Accused Of Racism)

cameramen UIG Group via Getty ImagesNational Public Radio has to fill a lot of air for suburban liberals driving in their Volvos. And so it was in April of this year that NPR did a big story about how photography is inherently racist. Much of the design of film and motion technology “was conceived with the idea of the best representation of white people,” explained literary editor Syreeta McFadden to her soft-spoken, folksy-but-cultivated interviewer. “And I don’t mean to say that it was a deliberate and exclusionary practice, but [it was] much more of a willful obliviousness, if you will. So color film in its early stages pretty much developed around trying to measure the image against white skin.”

Obama tuxedo Reuters Jim YoungWashington Post blogger Jonathan Capehart has gone on record proclaiming that calling President Barack Obama “privileged” is racist. As Right Wing News notes, Capehart specifically alleged that Rick Perry, the Republican governor of Texas, has implied that Obama “took the place of someone else through affirmative action, that someone else being someone white.” Obama holds degrees from two Ivy League schools: Columbia University and Harvard Law School. At Harvard, he was the law review editor.

Obama in graduation AFP Getty Images Timothy A. ClaryIt’s also racist to call Obama a professor according to the same Right Wing News piece. A bunch of self-proclaimed black intellectuals condemned former Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin because she foresaw that Obama would be world-historically awful at fighting wars and terrorism. The exact words Palin prophetically asserted were: “They know we’re at war, and to win that war we need a commander in chief, not a professor of law standing at the lectern.”



Sarah Palin Getty Images John Moore

Speaking of Sarah Palin, she’s racist, too, because, according to MSNBC talking head Chris Matthews, she attacks “New York, Washington and Los Angeles” and “goes after the government, after the media, after Hollywood” but spends “most of her time down in the middle parts of the country, the rural white parts.” Thus, Matthews suggested in 2009, Palin is “a dog whistle” and “a poster girl for racism.” At the time, Matthews was talking loudly to Kathleen Parker of The Washington Post and Joan Walsh, who writes for an obscure leftist website called Salon, according to MRC TV.

Rick Perry Getty ImagesAnd speaking of Rick Perry, he’s racist because strange, secret, imaginary voices in the cranium of Matthews have said so. “I compared him to Bull Connor with a smile yesterday. Maybe that was too far, but I’m still learning about this guy,” Matthews declared with his usual amount of discernment in 2011, according to MRC TV. “He talks about secession. He talks about states’ rights. He’s got all the idiom of the guys who hate civil rights.” Matthews also flatly stated his belief that Perry is opposed to school desegregation.

 black baby Getty Images Elyse LewinIn April of this year, Melissa Harris-Perry, another MSNBC blowhard, interviewed guest Chloe Angyal from the blog Angyal criticized state legislatures in Texas and in Mississippi because they passed laws that restrict access to abortion. According to, Angyal then called pro-life activists who don’t want black babies aborted both racist and sexist. “These laws don’t just target women; they target women of color,” Angyal proclaimed. “The laws in Mississippi target women who don’t have the economic means to just get up and go to a state 240 miles away where abortion is accessible. And those women are disproportionately likely to be African-American. So these laws don’t just target women; they target women of color. And, frankly, the Republicans in the legislature in Mississippi and Texas ought to be ashamed of themselves.”

guy in hazmat suit Getty Images Danita DelimontIn March 2014, the Environmental Justice Health Alliance, a leftist outfit, declared that pollution is racist because pollution tends to affect many poverty-stricken neighborhoods. Since members of ethnic minorities often live in poor areas, the argument goes, ethnic minorities are more likely to suffer the negative consequences of pollution including asthma, birth defects and childhood leukemia. According to The Hill, the leftist environmental group used this logic in an attempt to defeat a bill proposed by Rep. John Shimkus (R-Ill.) that would focus the resources of the Environmental Protection Agency on dangerous chemical pollutants.

preschool Getty ImagesPreschool is racist because black students at all levels of American schooling — including even preschool — are more likely to be subject to suspension than students with other skin colors. The U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights released a report citing such statistics in March 2014. “This critical report shows that racial disparities in school discipline policies are not only well documented among older students, but actually begin during preschool,” said Attorney General Eric Holder, according to Washington, D.C. radio station WTOP. “Every data point represents a life impacted and a future potentially diverted or derailed. This administration is moving aggressively to disrupt the school-to-prison pipeline in order to ensure that all of our young people have equal educational opportunities.”

Get up to speed on the rest of the alphabet:

The Letter ‘A’

The Letter ‘B’

The Letter ‘C’

The Letter ‘D’

The Letter ‘E’

The Letter ‘F’

The Letter ‘G’

The Letter ‘H’

The Letter ‘I’

The Letters ‘J’ And ‘K’

The Letter ‘L’

The Letters ‘M’ And ‘N’

The Letter ‘O’

(h/t Everything is Racism)

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(Photo credits: Getty Images/Michael Valdez, YouTube screenshot/kitsune21809, art by Eric Owens, UIG Group via Getty Images, Reuters/Jim Young, AFP/Getty Images/Timothy A. Clary, Getty Images/John Moore, Getty Images/Elyse Lewin, Getty Images/Danita Delimont, Getty Images, Getty Images)

Tags : racism
Eric Owens