
Louisiana Senator Helps LSU Students Do Keg Stand

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Senator Mary Landrieu (D-Louisiana) gave a helping hand to her young voters Saturday afternoon at the Louisiana State University football game.

And by a “helping hand,” we mean she held the nozzle for an LSU student attempting a keg stand. The senator was prompted by fans cheering “Mary! Mary! Mary!”

How could she resist?

The senator did not perform a keg stand herself, but was more than willing to help out some of the students tailgating before the game, NBC News reported. Many pictures were taken of Landrieu assisting the students with their drinking games, and the senator tweeted a picture of herself tailgating with LSU students.

Despite the fact that LSU lost to Mississippi State, it seems Landrieu made it a winning Saturday afternoon for many Tigers fans.

Landrieu is currently in a tight race for re-election against Republican Representative Bill Cassidy. Her efforts to please her younger constituits seem dead-on.