Al Sharpton Ticked Off At TheDC, ‘Politics Of Fear’ By Conservatives [VIDEO]

Al Weaver Reporter
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Al Sharpton is not a fan of anyone using the words “Ebola,” “ISIS,” or “President Obama” together in any way, shape or form.

Not at all.

On “Politics Nation” Thursday night, The Rev attacked The Daily Caller for a headline he claimed was “fear mungering” (Could it mean something different?).

The headline at issue in Sharpton’s mind and heart reads “PRESIDENT EBOLA: In 2010 Obama Administration Scrapped CDC Quarantine Regulations Aimed At Ebola.”

Disregarding the journalism at hand (naturally), Sharpton, from his perch atop the liberal home to awful ratings, played his role as loyal soldier for the president telling his audience there is no intelligence saying any ISIS members are trying to cross into the U.S. via the porous southern border.

After playing ads attacking the president and embattled Democrats in Senate campaigns, Sharpton also says federal officials have made no mention of members of the terrorist group or Ebola is creeping into America from Mexico.

“Yet, the conservative website The Daily Caller is running the headline ‘PRESIDENT EBOLA,'” says Sharpton.

Of course, the Rev (in all likelihood) didn’t read TheDC’s piece Tuesday night, in which Rep. Duncan Hunter said ten ISIS members have been apprehended at the border. (RELATED: Congressman Says 10 ISIS Fighters Have Been Apprehended At US Border)

“I know that at least 10 ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the Mexican border in Texas,” said Hunter, who received the information from a confidential border patrol source.

Gotta love the Rev.