Quote of the Day:
“I’m home alone with no kids this year and no Halloween candy bags to rummage through.”
— Cindy McCain, wife of Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.).
LET THEM EAT CAKE! White House reporters choose chocolate over news
“On Air Force One, Pres Obama negotiates no press gaggle for @PressSec in exchange for ‘Death by Chocolate’ Cake for press pool.” — CBS White House radio correspondent Mark Knoller.
A big neon sign that your job is getting in the way of your life…
“The bedside clock in this hotel room is some kind of political metaphor: it is insistently, unavoidably bright and also wrong by an hour.” — WaPo‘s Philip Bump.
Piers Morgan’s answer to a hangover
“Marmite on toast with vine tomatoes & lots of pepper.” — Daily Mail‘s U.S. editor-at-large Piers Morgan.
‘I don’t give a real sh%t about this, but if you do…’
“I’m not myself super-interested in travails of the Omidyar media project. But if you are, you’ll want to read this.” — The Atlantic‘s David Frum. Read here.
On Scarlet Johansson urging him to vote Democrat
“We’ve only been going out for a month and she’s already making demands. Sorry girl, gotta do my own thing.” — Washington Free Beacon‘s Lachlan Markay.
Peace can really stress a reporter out
“I’ve felt kind of relaxed lately. I don’t like feeling relaxed. It stresses me out.” — Shoshana Weissman, America Rising PAC.
Politico reporter is frustrated with politics
“I mean I love all the politics. But at some point it’s gotta be about, you know, doing actual things. Don’t really feel like waiting to ’17.” — Politico‘s Ben White.
Nate Silver on elections…
“Elections have a small ‘n’ problem (they only happen every 2-4 years) which makes it essential to use data from as many cycles as you can.” — ESPN’s Nate Silver.
Politico reporter runs New York marathon
“2014 New York Marathon 3:49:03. Personal record by 6 minutes.” — Politico’s Jake Sherman.
Tragedy strikes…
“It’s raining, I’m sick, and I tried to open a Daily Caller article and ONLY the comments loaded. What a weekend.” — Bobby Panzenbeck.
Memo to publicists of what not to do
“‘Do you want to talk to [expert] about [news]?’ is really the lowest form of PR. I can Google and find my own experts, thank you very much.” — Politico‘s Byron Tau.
Guess who Meghan McCain welcomes to her bed on Sunday morning?
SEXY SUNDAY MORNINGS: “Coffee in bed watching Chris Wallace is my favorite part about Sunday morning!” — Meghan McCain.
HILLARY DOES SELFIES: “‘I’m gonna vote for Hillary in 2016 because she took a selfie with me!’ – 17-year-old girl, Manchester, NH” — Liz Kreutz, ABC News digital journalist.