Virginia Republicans are warning voters that they have received credible reports of several voting machines changing votes for Republican candidates to Democratic candidates.
“[The Republican Party of Virginia] is monitoring an apparently [sic] problem with touch screen voting machines in Virginia Beach and some other localities,” an emailed press release read. “We have alerted local officials, as well as the Department of Elections. We are reminding all voters using these machines to review their ballots carefully before they are cast.” [Emphasis in original] (RELATED: Machines Switch Votes From Republican To Democrat In Maryland)
A video posted to YouTube appears to show a Virginia voting machine changing a vote for Republican Rep. Scott Rigell to a vote for his Democratic opponent Suzanne Patrick. (RELATED:Illinois Voting Machine Registers Republican Votes For Democrats)
Rigell told local news station WAVY the problem was widespread, issuing the following statement: “We have received numerous, credible reports of poll machine irregularity at voting precincts in Virginia’s Second Congressional District. This is very troubling. It is critical that every voter verifies the final summary page before pushing the ‘cast ballot’ option.”