Florida Atlantic University has found yet another new and exciting way to demonstrate that it is the worst place in America to attend college.
Officials at the taxpayer-funded school are now requiring students to declare how much sex they’ve had (including oral sex) and how many sexual partners they’ve had in the last few months, Campus Reform reports.
Students have reportedly been blocked from registering for courses unless they answered the invasive questions posed by the public school officials.
“How many times have you had sex (including oral) in the last three months,” the survey demands to know, according to local NBC affiliate WPTV.
“With how many different people have you had sex (including oral) in the last three months?” the curious people behind the survey also want to know.
“I just don’t understand why questions pertaining to how many times I’ve had sex have anything to do with campus life,” FAU student Cheryl Soley told WPTV.
The questions are the product of CampusClarity, a Title IX and sexual education program. Nearly 200 school bought CampusClarity’s sex education products this year.
The questions are similar to a set of questions that recently appeared at Clemson University — another Southern public school.
Clemson administrators suspended their inquiry almost immediately after Campus Reform exposed it earlier this fall.
FAU spokesman Joshua Glanzer blamed Title IX for the questionnaire.
“Federal law now requires that we offer the sexual assault awareness and prevention training, and we require that all new students take the training and recommended [sic] by the Department of Education,” Glanzer told Campus Reform in an email.
CampusClarity spokesman Alex Miller swore that the explicit information could never possibly go public.
“Student responses to questions are private,” Miller told Campus Reform.
Miller also noted that someone at CampusClarity has since decided to add a “prefer not to state” response among the possible answers in next year’s set of dirty-old-man surveys.
It’s hardly surprising that school officials at FAU would demand such private information because Florida Atlantic is quite obviously a terrible, horrible place where horrible, terrible things happen.
The evidence is staggering.
Last fall, for example, the public, taxpayer-funded university summoned Dylan Bouscher, the editor-in-chief of FAU’s University Press student newspaper, on disciplinary charges for having the audacity to practice routine journalism. (RELATED: America’s Worst University Now Punishes Student Journalist For Practicing Journalism)
In September, communications professor James Tracy speculated on his personal blog Memory Hole that the mass shooting at the Washington Navy Yard in September could have been an elaborate hoax. (RELATED: Professor Spouts Navy Yard Conspiracy Theory)
After the April 15 Boston Marathon bombings, the professor took to his blog to question official accounts of the terror attack, arguing that actors could have been involved. (RELATED: Professor Calls Boston Bombings ‘Mass Casualty Drill’)
Back in December, Tracy advocated conspiracy theories about the Dec. 14 massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School. (RELATED: Public University Professors Join Ranks Of Sandy Hook Conspiracy Theorists)
In the summer of 2013, the public school flouted basic norms of free speech by adopting a draconian “Free Speech and Campus Civility” policy. The policy insisted “that everyone in the FAU community behave and speak to and about one another in ways that are not racist, religiously intolerant or otherwise degrading.” (RELATED: Florida Atlantic University Is Still The Worst Place In America To Attend College)
In March 2013, the school tried to punish a student who expressed discomfort with a professor’s assignment to stomp on a piece of paper bearing the word “Jesus.” (RELATED: Florida Atlantic Issues New Groveling Apology Over Jesus-Stomping)
Also, Mary Jane Saunders, FAU’s former president, hit a student protester with the side mirror of her Lexus. The student and other protesters were objecting to an agreement to name the school’s football stadium after a for-profit prison company.
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