A woman told CNN in a segment that aired shortly before President Obama’s immigration speech that his plan, which will grant amnesty to up to five million illegal immigrants, inspired her to come to the U.S. illegally.
“Did the possibility of immigration reform inspire you to come now?” CNN’s Alina Machado asked the woman, who waiting at a bus station near Mission, Texas with her children.
“Yes, that’s right. That inspired us,” the woman said through a translator.
Obama announced Thursday that parents of U.S. citizens and lawful residents who has lived in the U.S. for more than five years will be allowed temporary amnesty. Those brought to the U.S. by their parents as children will also be given extended protection from deportation.
Obama said that he would prioritize deportations by focusing on felons.
“Now, we talked to a Catholic charities group that has been dealing with many of these new arrivals. And they say they have noticed an uptick in the past two weeks,” Machado reported. “They also say they believe this uptick may be seasonal but talk about immigration reform could also be a factor.”
“It’s like the golden ticket,” Annaluisa Padilla, a California immigration attorney told The Associated Press. “Everybody who is calling my office is asking how can I get a work permit under Obama’s program? I am like, there is no Obama program yet.”