
Obama Group To Train 10,000 Community Organizers In Search For Next ‘Organizer-In-Chief’

Patrick Howley Political Reporter
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President Obama’s nonprofit advocacy group Organizing for Action plans to train 10,000 new community organizers in 2015 in a search for the next “organizer-in-chief.”

The OFA Fellows Program set a goal of training 10,000 new organizers to follow in the footsteps of Obama, according to a fundraising email the group sent out Sunday with the subject line “The next Barack Obama.”

“We take pride in the fact that the President of the United States got his start organizing the families affected by closed steel mills on Chicago’s South Side,” the OFA email stated. “This work isn’t just playing the long game, though — the whole idea is that these 10,000 folks will be working their tails off on the issue organizing we’re doing today.”

“And years from now, these are the same people who will be progressive leaders in their communities. Some will be elected officials, and — yeah — one may even go on to be the organizer-in-chief.”

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