In an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper, conservative Iowa Republican Congressman Steve King backed a third conservative alternative to Speaker John Boehner: Florida Republican Congressman Daniel Webster. (VIDEO: Fox Host Grills Gohmert Over Boehner Challenge: ‘Why Are You Doing This?’)
TAPPER: The people who have talked about running for speaker against Boehner are Ted Yoho from Florida and Louie Gohmert from Texas. Anyone else?
KING: We should anticipate the name of Daniel Webster coming forward. He’s a former Speaker of the Florida House. I’ve been talking with Dan for the last two and a half years. He’s a great respecter of the institution of the Congress. And I think the Democrats and Republicans want to see the institution restored so the voice and will of this republic can come from the American people through their elected members of Congress.
Right now, it’s leadership that’s making the decisions and leadership staff are making the decision. That has to change; Dan would be helpful in changing that. I would support any one of the three; I’ve been talking to Dan for two and a half years.