It’s African-American History Month, America, so you can count on black leftist radicals receiving fat honorariums to speak at colleges and universities across America.
Texas Tech University has invited Angela Davis to speak later this month. The decision has dismayed the College Republicans on campus, reports Lubbock Fox affiliate KJTV.
The College Republicans campus group at Texas Tech has launched a petition against Davis’s speech.
“What concerns us is the fact that she was on the FBI’s most wanted and she’s a very radical communist, which is a view that doesn’t really resonate with anyone at Texas Tech,” Rebeca Jurado, co-chair of the College Republicans at the taxpayer-funded school, told KJTV.
Davis, a radical feminist and lifelong far-left activist, is a real piece of work. She was a leader of the U.S. Communist Party and ran for vice president twice in the 1980s on the Communist ticket.
She was arrested, tried and acquitted on a 1970 charge of conspiracy related to an armed takeover of a Marin County courtroom. There was a hostage situation. Four people died during the siege, including a judge.
Richard Nixon described Davis as a “dangerous terrorist” when the FBI arrested her in 1970.
Among her attorneys was John Abt, general counsel for the Communist Party USA.
Davis has said she has left the U.S. Communist Party since her two atrociously unsuccessful runs for president. (RELATED: Communist Party USA Chairman Vows Cooperation With Democratic Party)
A local Republican Party leader agreed with the Texas Tech College Republicans.
“I would rather hear from someone who has respect among the community,” Carl Tepper, chairman of the Lubbock County Republican Party, told the Fox affiliate.
“Why wouldn’t we at every opportunity inject positive role models into our young people, rather than someone who’s so angry all the time and has nothing but consternation against the American Dream?” Tepper also asked.
For the pro-Angela Davis side, KJTV found Brandale Randolph, who describes himself as a community advocate.
“Angela Davis, whether we like it or not, is a piece of American history,” Randolph told the station.
He also immediately played the race card.
“We have to stop this notion that there are African-Americans that are more worthy to speak on behalf of African-Americans that others, and that notion is a slippery slope because it can lead to the idea that there are voices that need to be muted,” he explained.
Randolph’s Facebook likes include Book of Negroes, Anita Hill Movie and Robert Reich.
Texas Tech University, a taxpayer-funded school, will pay Davis $12,000 — not too much less than three months of paychecks for the average American — for stopping by to speak on campus.
The longtime Communist will receive the payment for speaking about prison reform.
A Texas Tech spokesman told KJTV that school officials try to bring an ideologically diverse group of speakers to campus.
The Texas Tech fracas certainly isn’t the first when students have tried to prevent a speaker they don’t like from speaking.
Last academic year was a banner year for radical leftist student goons who successfully agitated to force the cancellation of speeches on prestigious American campuses.
At Smith College, for example, students claimed they were showing solidarity with the movement for female equality by demanding that International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde, one of the most powerful women in the world, withdraw as commencement speaker. (RELATED: Students Force Female IMF Head To Cancel Speech, Say She’s Anti-Women)
Similarly, Brandeis University — an institution named after Supreme Court Associate Justice Louis Brandeis, a famed defender of free speech — canceled plans to award an honorary degree to scholar Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who is known for her scathing criticisms of Islam and its treatment of women. (RELATED: The 13 Most Rabidly Leftist, Politically Correct Colleges For Dirty, Tree-Hugging Hippies)
And former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice abruptly withdrew Saturday from speaking at Rutgers University’s commencement address amid protests at her selection from faculty and students and denouncements of her as a “war criminal.” (RELATED: Awful School Is Awfully Intolerant: Condi Rice Backs Out Of Rutgers Speech Amid Protests)
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