Hillary is in the race. But Republicans should fear not — her candidacy is flawed. Now that she has destroyed the evidence of her potential crimes, Hillary Clinton’s partisans tell us the e-mail issue is “nothing” and will have no impact on her future.
These Democrats are whistling past the graveyard. The issue is no longer her e-mails but her inability to tell the truth, and her indelible record of lies — particularly about being an advocate for women. Her credibility is the issue.
As Hillary’s now infamous email scandal demonstrates, in which Madam Secretary purposely used private email to conduct government business and escape disclosure requirements, telling the truth is outside her DNA. For instance, during the sole time Hillary publicly addressed this issue at the UN press conference, she claimed that some of the deleted emails were between Bill and her. Yet the Wall Street Journal reported only hours before the press conference that the impeached former president has “sent a grand total of two emails during his entire life.”
She also got busted lying about having one computer device when proof existed that she used two. Among other things, Hillary could be shielding e-mails that would shed light on the Clinton Foundation’s shady practices and dealings with foreign governments.
Hillary’s lies caught up to her during her failed 2008 campaign. In the heat of the primary against Obama, Hillary repeatedly said in a March 17th speech and several interviews that she was caught under sniper fire in 1996 as First Lady and “ran for cover under hostile fire shortly after her plane landed in Tuzla, Bosnia.”
Eight days later, a video became public which showed, “Clinton arriving on the tarmac under no visible duress, and greeting a child who offers her a copy of a poem.” Further, more than “100 news stories from the time documented no security threats to the First Lady.”
Whitewater was a failed real estate venture which lost money for all equity partners but siphoned $800,000 in campaign funds to Bill Clinton’s campaign and paid Hillary’s law firm handsomely. As First Lady, Hillary was caught criminally defying 1994 congressional and federal subpoenas. During the Whitewater investigation, a grand jury subpoena was issued for all of Rose Law Firm billing records. Rose Law Firm claimed that the documents were destroyed and the Clintons claimed that they did not have them. Yet two years later, the Rose billing records were discovered in the personal residence of the White House by a staffer. Hillary, of course, claimed no wrongdoing.
In January 2001, a scandal broke when Hillary was caught taking artwork and furniture from the White House. She claimed that these items were given to Bill and her as gifts during their years in the White House. However, less than a month later on February 8th, Hillary agreed to return $28,000 worth of gifts to the White House and pay in restitution $86,000 for china, flatware, rugs, televisions, sofas and other items which was only 50 percent of the value.
This brings up another issue. If Hillary was able to make an $86,000 vanity purchase in February 2008, then why did she describe herself as “dead broke” upon leaving the White House?
In 1999, Bill and Hillary bought their house in Chappaqua for $1.7 million, and in 2000 purchased a seven-bedroom in Washington, DC, for $2.85 million. Hillary’s Senate financial disclosure form that year listed their assets at $1.8 million.
Of course Hillary has often lied about her biography for convenience as well. Since at least 1995, Hillary claimed that her mother named her after Sir Edmund Hillary, the first climber to reach the summit of Mount Everest. Bill even mentioned this anecdote in his autobiography. The only problem, Hillary was born in 1947 and Sir Edmund did complete his historic feat until 1953. Perhaps Hillary’s mother was clairvoyant?
As I revealed in my book, Nixon’s Secrets, Hillary was fired from the 1974 House Impeachment Committee shortly after she took, and failed, the DC bar examination. Hillary authored memos demanding Nixon yield his tapes (a little irony there?) and that the president was not entitled to a lawyer in the impeachment proceeding. Asked why she was fired Majority Staff Director Jerry Zeifman said, “Because she was a liar. She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality.”
Hillary pushes income inequity for women, now Hillary lies about paying men more than women. The Washington Free Beacon’s Brent Scher nailed this, but the Clintonistas planted a bogus internal study showing a false parity with BuzzFeed’s Ruby Cramer. Won’t wash.
Huge contributions from foreign regimes who brutally oppress women to the Clinton Foundation are a liability. Hillary’s real role in silencing the victims of Bill’s chain of sexual assaults will turn off women voters, particularly if these women victims come forward.
Hillary has no credibility for her denials when confronted with her real record, and that’s a problem. As a serial liar, she will get caught lying again.