
College Students Sign Petition To Raise Minimum Wage To $50 [VIDEO]

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In less than hour, multiple college students signed a petition this week demanding a federal law requiring a $50 minimum wage.

Media Research Center TV reporter Dan Joseph ventured onto the campus of George Mason University and quickly collected 21 signatures from students for a petition entitled “DEMAND that Congress RAISE the Minimum Wage to $50 AN HOUR.”

George Mason is nationally recognized for its strong, Nobel Prize-winning economics program.

Only three students flatly refused to sign the petition, according to Joseph, who turns out a handful of videos similar to this one each year.

How long was he on campus?

“Less than an hour,” Joseph told The Daily Caller. “That’s extraordinary for a petition video.  These students were very anxious to support this insane cause.”

“Twenty-one signatures is the most we’ve ever gotten on one of these petitions,” he added.

Some students signed the $50-minimum-wage petition enthusiastically.

A couple possibly chronic petition signers endorsed the petition without appearing to read it.

Still other, more circumspect students noted that increases in the minimum wage might lead to increased unemployment.

“They would have to let some people go,” one woman predicted.


A $50 hourly wage would translate into an annual income of around $100,000 for a typical employee who works 40 hour each week and takes a couple weeks of total vacation. A $50-per-hour worker would who chooses a more leisurely 30-hour work week would still rake in about $75,000 per year.

The minimum wage comes up in the news with considerable frequency. (RELATED: Fancypants Ivy Leaguers From $71,358 School To Protest Minimum Wage For A Few Hours)

In October, a socialist political party that wants to raise the federal minimum wage to $20 per hour advertised a job for an experienced web developer paying $13 per hour. The party is the Freedom Socialist Party, which, impressively, owns the rights to the domain name (RELATED: Seattle Socialist Party Wants $20 Per Hour Minimum Wage, Offers $13 Per Hour For Website Manager)

In June 2014, President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama suggested that they are actively searching for dead-end, low-paying jobs for their two daughters so the teenagers can appreciate the quiet desperation that millions of Americans experience. (RELATED: Obama Wants Daughters To Work Crappy Minimum-Wage Jobs So They Understand America)

“We are looking for opportunities for them to feel as if going to work and getting a paycheck is not always fun, not always stimulating, not always fair,” President Obama said in a hard-hitting interview in Parade magazine. “But that’s what most folks go through every single day.”

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