
Fiorina Comes Out Against TPP: ‘I Am Very Uncomfortable With This Deal’ [VIDEO]

Alex Griswold Media Reporter
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Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina said she opposes giving President Obama fast track trade authority and is “very uncomfortable” with Obama negotiating the Trans-Pacific Partnership on “The Laura Ingraham Show” Thursday.

INGRAHAM: I gotta ask you about fast track trade, because you know for me, I believe a populist approach is the way to win and build the Republican Party both among minorities and grassroot supporters. And for me, this fast track deal, the way its being negotiated, the way congressional authority is being eroded, is a terrible idea, especially with Obama doing the negotiations.

What’s your take on giving President Obama trade promotion authority?

FIORINA: Well, I believe that free and fair trade advantages the U.S.. But I am very uncomfortable with this deal, and I’m uncomfortable with this deal and giving him trade authority.

Because first of all, I know from personal experience that the Chinese have not lived up to their agreements when they entered the WTO. In other words, partners can cheat on these deals, and we have evidence of partners cheating on these deals.

Secondly to your point, this is an extremely complicated deal, a multilateral deal with a lot of details that we don’t know about. And Obama and his administration has demonstrated their inability to negotiate a good deal. And so look, I think the devil’s in the details, and we better understand what these details are before we just assume it’s a good deal. I don’t assume it’s a good deal and I do think we need the details.


Republican presidential contenders are split on “fast track” trade authority, with former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee joining Fiorina in opposition, but Senators Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz in support. (AUDIO: Fiorina: Hillary ‘Peddled A Fiction About Benghazi’ As She ‘Stood Over The Bodies Of 4 Murdered Americans’)

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