Quote of the Day:
“On the contours of what he’s been charged, he’s got defenses.”
— D.C. attorney Stanley Brand on ex-House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) and the charges he faces. The comment was made on MSNBC’s “Hardball” Monday.
Entertainment blogger Perez Hilton thanks you for being his friend
“And on #NationalBestFriendsDay I want to thank YOU for making me feel less lonely right now and every day. We are connected! I love you! xo” — Perez Hilton.
On media ethics
“Media organizations that feed rival Reporter B answers to questions from unfriendly Reporter A are acting like political campaigns. Unseemly.” — CNN’s Jake Tapper.
And a funny ethical question from USA Today…
“@jaketapper What do you think about media organizations that personally attack the journalists who write about them?” — USA Today deputy editorial page editor David Mastio who recently blew up an overinflated story about Tapper that questioned Tapper’s ethics about participating in a Clinton Foundation event. Except of course, Tapper is not “participating” in the event. He is interview ex-President Bill Clinton. Scandal averted.
Missed this phony debacle? Read here.
Arianna Huffington is in Berlin
“On my way to the @tempodrom in #Berlin where I’m discussing HuffPost and the future of media at @NOAHConference #NOAH15.” — HuffPost Editor-in-Chief Arianna Huffington.
Ann Coulter draws immigration argument out of D.C. mansion murders
TWT Andrea Noble reports that one of the murderers in the now famed D.C. mansion case was flagged for deportation.
Author Ann Coulter: “IT’S NOT JUST ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, GOP! DC’s mansion murderer is a legal immigrant. (Good job, US govt!)”
National Review‘s Charles C.W. Cooke: “But that’s a macro argument. What does it have to do with this case?”
Breitbart‘s Ben Shapiro: “What she argues in her book, I’d assume: that our legal immigration system is disastrously bad for the country.”
Two thumbs up for Sen. Lindsey Graham
“LGBT issues are a minefield for Republican candidates. There’s basically nothing they can say that won’t upset some part of the electorate, whether it’s social conservatives or younger, more socially moderate voters. But Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) did as good a job as anyone in navigating the complex issue that is Caitlyn Jenner.” — WaPo’s Hunter Schwarz on presidential hopeful Sen. Lindsey Graham‘s (R-S.C.) handling of Caitlyn Jenner. Read his full post here.
Quick Q: “Can we start a separate twitter for people who exclusively post links to their own news organization’s stories?” — Scott Conroy, senior political reporter, HuffPost.
The Observer
“Every other GOP candidate wondering what they can do to get the NYT to pick on them.” — Brendan Buck, communications director, House Ways and Means Committee.
A word on Donald Trump
“I wrote about why Donald Trump is a terrible presidential candidate. Next week, I’ll explain why not to eat dirt.” — Josh Greenman, New York Daily News. See his story here.
“Scotch is my preferred whiskey. Balvenie is my go too [sic]. I also like rye bourbon though after scotch.” — Ben Dreyfuss, engagement editor, Mother Jones.
On Jeb Bush’s campaign shakeup…
David Axelrod is an ex-Obama aide and MSNBC contributor. Jonathan Martina and Alex Thompson are reporters for the NYT.
The joys of the D.C. Metro
“Family of lawyer found dead behind platform at Judiciary Square is suing @wmata, says body was there for four days.” — Zoe Tillman, reporter, The National Law Journal, Legal Times.