In addition to unleashing no-talents with names like “Kardashian” and “The Situation” on society, reality television has long been mocked for being fake. So it’s only fitting that the genre dominating so many cable networks these days would embrace the current fraud sweeping the nation – former head of the NAACP Spokane chapter Rachel Dolezal.
RadarOnline reports Dolezal didn’t just fly to New York for her “Today” interview, she’s also taking meetings for two proposed reality shows she’s been offered. Exactly which production companies and which networks might be interested is unknown at this time, but considering the publicity she’s received since being outed as a white woman presenting herself as black, the possibilities are endless.
RadarOnline reports a source as saying Dolezal have been offered deals with two production companies and that, “The offers were made last week along with several others that were just outrageous. Rachel recognizes that she is going to need an agent and a publicist, and is going to be hiring a professional team in the next few days.”
The insider says, “Rachel wants to use all of the publicity to raise awareness about race relations.”
No word on how much money Dolezal has been offered or whether she’ll do the show as a white woman or a black woman.