DC Trawler

Andrea Mitchell Is Trying To Figure Out Why Muhammad Youssuf Abdulazeez Murdered Those Marines


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Occam and his razor can go climb a tree. Andrea Mitchell is a hard-hitting journalist, and she’s going to get to the bottom of this shooting in Chattanooga.

You didn’t see this because it was on MSNBC, but Blake Seitz at the Washington Free Beacon did:

“He didn’t really tell a lot of people about his personal life.” So… you’re sayin’ there’s a chance. Have the cops searched his home for the inevitable Dukes of Hazzard box set?

You might be a redneck if your name is Muhammad Youssuf Abdulazeez and you killed some people in Tennessee and Andrea Mitchell just can’t deal.

While this is a promising line of inquiry, Andrea, I do hope you’ll keep an open mind. For example, has it occurred to you that Abdulazeez’s favorite beverage might have very well been… tea?