Secretary of State John Kerry said that President Obama’s proposed nuclear agreement, which Congress will begin voting on next week, is the last chance to “halt Iran’s relentless march toward” achieving a working nuclear bomb during a Wednesday press conference in Philadelphia.
Kerry also claimed that there is “a stark reality” anyone opposing the deal must face, adding that the international sanctions, aimed at keeping a bomb out of Iran’s hands, would fail sooner than later. (RELATED: Obama Gets Critical Vote On Iran Deal)
KERRY: There is an inescapable starting point. A place where every argument made against the agreement must confront a stark reality. A reality of how advanced Iran’s nuclear program had become and where it was headed… Sanctions alone were not getting it done. Not even close. They were failing to slow, let alone halt Iran’s relentless march towards a nuclear weapons capability. So President Obama acted… He made clear his determination to go beyond what sanctions could accomplish and find a way to not only stop but to throw into reverse Iran’s rapid expansion of its nuclear program.
(RELATED: Kerry Threatens: Iran ‘Will Get A Weapon’ If Nuclear Deal Doesn’t Happen)
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