
Hillary Apologizes For ‘Confusing’ Americans With Private Email Server [VIDEO]

Christian Datoc Senior White House Correspondent
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While being interviewed by MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Friday, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton apologized that her “totally above board” use of a private email server was “so confusing for people,” even though “the facts are pretty clear.” (VIDEO: Clinton Doesn’t Apologize For Private Emails)

CLINTON: This was totally above board. People knew I used a personal email. I did it for convenience…

MITCHELL: Does it raise judgment questions?

CLINTON: Well, I don’t think so. I think that the facts are pretty clear, that we had a lot of hard work, hard choices to make in those four years … I think we really served our country well, and now, the State Department has everything that they could have, so, at the end of the day, I’m sorry that this has been so confusing for people and has raised a lot of questions. 

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